侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市RAGE重制版/GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition



欢迎来到 20 世纪 80 年代。在这发型浮夸和粉色西装当道的年代,一个男人在成群罪犯中崛起的故事就此展开。Grand Theft Auto 载誉归来,讲述汤米·维尔切蒂的传说,带您领略灯红酒绿的热带都会,在背叛与复仇之间争名夺利、纸醉金迷。


笔记:•GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition是基于RAGE游戏引擎的全球改装版来自GTA IV。这个模组不仅仅是城市向下一部分的又一次转换系列。这个模组是原始游戏中所有任务的完整转移。由于物理性能的改进,这将提供一种全新的游戏体验RAGE发动机的机械原理。•官方重制版仅使用虚幻引擎进行渲染,但游戏的物理特性引擎仍然是20多年前发布的RenderWare,具有过时的机制和动画。我们正在使用下一代发动机。是的,不是最新版本,但只有一个可以用原始绘图创建这样的修改。那是为什么这个模组被称为Nextgen Edition。我们努力汇集最好的人才从之前版本的游戏中汲取元素,让心爱的《罪恶之城》焕发出新的光彩颜色。这让粉丝们有机会回到熟悉的世界和故事中同时体验新鲜的情绪和玩他们最喜欢的游戏的新视角。致谢:@Floppy1717和@REVTEAM。NOTES:• GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition is a global modification based on the RAGE game enginefrom GTA IV. This mod is not just another conversion of the city to the next part of theseries. This mod is a complete transfer of all missions from the original game.This will provide an entirely new gaming experience due to the improved physics andmechanics of the RAGE engine.• The official remaster uses the Unreal Engine only for rendering, but the game’s physicsengine is still RenderWare, released more than 20 years ago, with outdated mechanics andanimations. We are using the next generation engine. Yes, not its newest version, but theonly one on which it’s possible to create such a modification with an original plot. That’swhy the mod is called Nextgen Edition. We have made an effort to bring together the bestelements from previous versions of the game so that the beloved Vice City shines with newcolors. This gives fans the opportunity to dive back into its familiar world and storywhile experiencing fresh emotions and a new perspective on playing their favorite game.Credit To: @Floppy1717 & @REVTEAM




侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市RAGE重制版/GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition
侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市RAGE重制版/GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition
侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市RAGE重制版/GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition
侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市RAGE重制版/GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition

